May 22Liked by Susanna Sullivan Author

I'm becoming addicted to "Wise Words!" 😁

I hope you get your permanent lines drawn... my hubby is a perfectionist and sometimes he needs a long time to finish a task - not because he's having difficulties, but because he wants it to be perfect. Me, I would have already filled in the page with squiggly lines and be obliviously filling in the cock-eyed boxes by now. 😅 OCD and ADD may be simple little acronyms, but the results are worlds apart!

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This made me laugh. I'm not really OCD, but once in a while I do exhibit those tendencies. Says the woman who arranges her closet in color order, and has been known to alphabetize her spices...

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May 22Liked by Susanna Sullivan Author

THAT made me laugh! My hubby is not OCD, though I really am ADHD... my closet is a mixed up chaotic mess, but I do alphabetize the spices (how else could I find them later? 😂).

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